Frontline Education

Outline of EEM Implementation

Thank you for choosing Frontline's Employee Evaluation Management (EEM) system to manage your evaluation processes. We are excited to work with you and your organization in the configuration of Employee Evaluation to meet your needs.


This document outlines the basic roles and responsibilities related to the configuration and ongoing maintenance and management of your Employee Evaluation implementation. We aim to clarify these management expectations to reduce any potential confusion.

Eval Roles and Responsibilities

The primary role of Employee Evaluation is to assist organization staff in understanding the configuration options within the system and to help with the initial setup. Employee Evaluation will work with the organization prior to and after implementation/roll-out of the system to perform the following tasks: 

  1. Understand the organization’s evaluation process, as described to Employee Evaluation by organization leaders.
  2. Build a basic Employee Evaluation site:
      • Provide the district with a template for adding Users with Evaluation Type assignments.
      • Upload the district-completed template to create user accounts.
      • Develop district-specified forms as Templates in the site.
      • Develop Summative/Scoring Forms, as defined by the district during configuration.
  1. Introduce the district to the basic Employee Evaluation site during a Configuration Meeting (via remote screen-sharing), outlining what has been created, what needs to still be done by the district, and how it can be done. The Employee Evaluation support representative conducting the Configuration Meeting will follow-up with a written description of the items to be completed by the district.
  2. Facilitate a Post Configuration Meeting (via remote screen-sharing) to review the district’s completion of their responsibilities necessary to roll out the system to staff, and to address any other questions that arise during the initial introduction to the system.
  3. Provide support to district-defined Administrators, as outlined in the Support section of the Statement of Work.
  4. Provide demonstration accounts to enable organization representatives to test site configuration prior to rolling the system out to staff.

Organization/District Roles and Responsibilities

The organization will work with Employee Evaluation prior to roll-out of the system to complete the following tasks:

  1. Provide Frontline with the required data to build the site:
      • Users, complete with Evaluation Type assignments (on an Excel template provided by Frontline)
      • District-specified forms
      • Scoring needs defined for each Evaluation Type
  1. Participate in two configuration meetings, guided by a Support Team representative. This process includes such tasks as:
      • Review and update the configuration of the site.
      • Review the Form Design and the Form Settings for each form and make any desired modifications.
      • Define the process for each Evaluation Type (group).
      • Define and assign Evaluation Rights to link evaluators to the staff accordingly.
      • Provide instruction to district staff to make each of the changes described above.
  1. Thoroughly test all forms and configuration of the site using Frontline provided demo accounts.
      • Make appropriate updates to configuration based upon testing results.
  1. Monitor and manage State or organization changes to the evaluation process, and manage/modify configuration and forms to comply with those changes.

Note the following:

      • The district is responsible for making any changes after initial configuration. Frontline Employee Evaluation support team members are always available to provide direction, if necessary.
      • The organization is ultimately responsible for all configurations of forms, scoring and reporting.
      • We strongly suggest that each organization use the demo accounts provided to test all processes and changes prior to making those new or edited processes available to staff. 

Still have questions? The Frontline Support Team is happy to assist with ideas regarding how to implement changes, when changes should and can be made, and specific end-of-year needs. Please use the “Create a Ticket” button within the Help center to send a request.