Frontline Education

Running the Advanced Administration Report

This article describes how to perform an advanced user search in the Frontline Administration application. Filter by account and application criteria, as well as basic demographic search fields.

 First Steps: If you have Admin permissions, take a moment to learn how to create a person in Frontline Administration in addition to searching for and managing their existing profile details.


Access Frontline Administration via the application dropdown provided in the top purple bar of your application, or via the app selector used during initial sign in.

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Then, select Advanced Administration from your application's side navigation. 

  1.  Navigation:
  2. Reports
  3. Advanced Administration

Filter Search

The "Advanced Administration" page contains advanced filters to help locate and manage people within your organization. Use the Name or Email search box(es), or define your query by account status, application, and/or roles.

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  First/Last Name Enter at least 3 characters in either field.
  Email Address Enter the user's email address affiliated with their account. 
  Account Status Select either has passport, no passport, or Org account (SSO). 
  Application Select an application to which the person has been added.
  Roles Select an affiliated application role, if applicable. 

The results will display the person's name, account status, applications, and related system actions.

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  Name Select the person's name link to access their Organization Details page.
  Account Status Hover over Account Status for a quick glance of the user's email, creation date, and last login.
  Applications Review the applications to which the user is associated.
  Actions Click the Actions dropdown for actions associated with a person's current account status (e.g., Send Password Reset, View Person Details, etc.).

Example of Account Status and Action DetailsResults.png