Frontline Education

Choosing Preferred Schools

You can create a preference list within your absence management application to identify the locations where you do and do not want to work.

New substitutes will see jobs at all schools by default. You do not have to make any changes if you wish to maintain full visibility.

To view the "Preferred Schools" list, click Preferences in the side navigation.


Then, locate and select Schools in the side bar.


The "Schools" section includes two options at the top of the page. The first option will allow you to select all the locations where you wish to see assignments. The second list indicates the places where you do not want to see jobs. Click the radio button to alternate between these two lists. 


​You can now add or remove the necessary locations.

Click the checkboxes to identify the individual schools that you do or do not want to see (or click the All or None button to collectively add/remove all the locations in your list). 

In the example below, the substitute does not want to see jobs from elementary schools.


Once you are finished, click Save to record your changes.