Frontline Education

Contacting Support

The Learning Center provides a knowledge base specific to your Frontline application, but there may be times when you need to contact the Support team for additional help. This contact option is located directly within the Learning Center.

Accessing the Learning Center

To reference the Learning Center (and your Support option), first, click the   Question Mark Icon in your application's top purple bar. This selection opens a menu where you will click the "Frontline Support" option.

This takes you to the Learning Center.


Once in the Learning Center, you will see a few options across the top of the page (e.g. "Create a Ticket," "View My Tickets", and "Start a Chat"). Reference a walkthrough of each in the examples below.

Access & Visibility: You may or may not see all the contact options listed, depending on your system-permission setup. Your organization controls these user settings.


Starting a Chat

Access & Visibility: You may or may not see all the contact options listed, depending on your system-permission setup. Your organization controls these user settings.

Click Start a Chat to bring up a chat box (which appears at the bottom right of the page). Here, you can type in the topic you would like to chat about and see results for matching help articles.

If the help content does not resolve the issue, click Live Chat to communicate with Support.


Selection of "Live Chat" will open a "Message" box where you can enter your discussion topic, include the key details related to your inquiry, and click Start Chat.


A Support representative will join the chat and initiate a conversation. During this time, you can manage your settings in the bottom right corner of the chat box. These options allow you to end the chat, attach a file, manage sound settings, or email a transcript.


By navigating away from the chat window, the box may no longer become visible. If this occurs, simply click Start a Chatat the top of the page to resume your existing conversation.

When you are finished with your chat, be sure to click End This Chat and then select End once more to confirm. (Simply minimizing or navigating away from the chat will not close the conversation properly.)


Creating a Ticket

Access & Visibility: You may or may not see all the contact options listed, depending on your system-permission setup. Your organization controls these user settings.

Click Create a Ticket to be taken to a request form. This form allows you to enter the subject of your request and a description, and you can also attach files, indicate the reason and impact of this request, and/or CC other team members for information purposes. (Any CC'd requests will appear in that user's "My Requests" section, as explained further below.)


When typing out your subject, you will be presented with possible matches to articles that may help answer your question. Click the link to one of these articles to access its information.


Once you are finished, click Submit. The system will submit your request and provide updates via the "View My Tickets" section.

Viewing Your Tickets

Access & Visibility: You may or may not see all the contact options listed, depending on your system-permission setup. Your organization controls these user settings.

Click View My Tickets to see a record of your current and previous tickets for Absence Management. You can check or manage the status of your tickets (i.e. "Open" for non-resolved or "Solved" for completed), search for specific tickets, or view requests that other Administrators have CC'd you on.


If you select a specific link (via the "Subject" column), you can access prior chat transcripts, view ticket conversations, and also mark an inquiry as resolved. 


Once a request is "Marked as solved," the status will change to "Solved," as indicated in the "Status" box. 
