Frontline Education

Managing Visibility Options as a Multi-District Sub

You will receive an invitation email to create a single Frontline ID account if one (or all) of your districts upgrade to the Frontline Insights Platform. This upgrade provides unique enhancements to your application such as a single username/password to access all Frontline applications.

 Problem: After creating a Frontline ID, some multi-district users may experience visibility issues or inadvertently create more than one username/password to access their application(s).

 Solution: You can reference the troubleshooting scenarios below, including adding districts and merging Frontline ID accounts, to resolve common multi-district visibility or access issues.

Multi-District View

You will first want to select the option to view your page as a multi-district sub to ensure you can collectively see your different applications and your districts' job-related details. The "Multi-District View" informs the system that you have multiple accounts and prompts the application to provide you with the option to perform a merge (if needed).

Select your name in the top right corner of the page and click Multi-District View, or select the prompt indicating Click here on the homepage.


Either option switches your account to a multi-district view.


Once you select this option, you can begin to determine whether all your different districts and applications are available to you. If a problem persists, consider one of the two following scenarios:

  • You may need to add a district to your multi-district view.
  • You may still need to associate former login credentials with your single Frontline ID account. (The creation of additional usernames/passwords may have occurred when your district prompted you to create a single account for all your applications.)

District List

If you need to add a district or to merge different accounts, you can click  Preferences in the side navigation and select District List.


The following two options will appear.

  Add a District

Select Add a district if you need to associate an additional district to your multi-district view. Then, enter the ID and PIN associated with this district and click Add. This action associates the additional account (and its data) with your current account, and you can view both within your single application. If you cannot recall your credentials for a district, contact your system administrator for that district.

Take note, it is possible that you may work for one district that uses the Frontline Insights Platform and for another district that does not have the platform. This "Add a District" option still allows you to combine the non-platform account with the platform account and collectively view details for both.


  Merge Frontline Accounts

In the process of creating a Frontline ID account, you may have accidentally created more than one username/password, and the "Merge Frontline Accounts" option allows you to combine any additional accounts into a single sign in.

Once you select Merge Frontline Accounts, the system provides an entry for the username/password of your additional account.

Simply enter the credentials and click Verify & Add Account. This action associates the additional account (and its data) with your current account, and you can view the information within your single application.


District Selection

Once you link your districts, the system will always prompt you to make a district selection when you first log in.


Keep in mind that no matter which option you choose, you will still see jobs for all your districts (provided you have the multi-district view enabled). 

The only reason you must choose a specific district is so you can view account information (such as job history, etc.) that is specific to that district. But again, you will still see jobs for all your districts no matter which selection you make.

Should you need to view another district's account details, simply choose that alternate district during the login process or via the "district switcher" at the top of your homepage.


Next Steps: If these scenarios do not provide an adequate solution, consider contacting your District Administrator for further assistance. You can also learn more about using the Insights Platform as a multi-district sub. See Transitioning to the Insights Platform.